
Hi! We are so glad you found us!

Welcome to our family website which includes are family blog, a movie curriculum for families, and resources that have helped us over the years as we are building a family to stand!

If you are curious who we are you have come to right page, so let us tell you a little bit about us and our purpose. If we were to sum it all up in one sentence here it is . . . We are a multi-generational family (no, that doesn’t mean we are all living together) that has come together in purpose to learn how to pass down needed skills, correct traditions, and deep faith to the next generation. We feel this will happen as we turn to our sacred lineage, consecrate our land and home and restore the family dinner table. Our family blog reflects our heritage and holds our stories as we learn more about who we are, and how we are breaking the chains of culture as our sacred lineage has done before us! Beautiful huh?

However, just letting you know upfront, we are far from perfect, it has been a very long road for many of us, and there are scars that run deep from the battlefield of life, but our hope is that by sharing our stories and lives with you as we are finding our way, that you too will be inspired to do the same work with your family.

COMING SOON A New Movie Curriculum!

Info Box

Joseph Smith has been called “America’s greatest educator,” and yet the Prophet’s principles for successful education have largely been forgotten! 

John Taylor said that the prophet “knew more in regard to true education that all the philosophers and scientists of the earth; and he knew it by the revelations of God.  We want to get together to train our children up in the fear of God, to teach them the correct principles ourselves, and place them in possession of such things as will lead them in the paths of life.” (Monnett, Jack. “John Taylor, Educator”. pg. 60, quote by John Taylor)

Discover the top 10 principles of education, as well as the definition of education as you use this movie curriculum for your family. 

What are the Principles of a “Joseph Smith Education”

Focus OUT Not IN – “Feed My Sheep”
Mission Centered – “Here am I send me”
Spirit Directed
Father Presided and Family Centered
Content is the message – “All things testify of Christ”
Built on the Rock
Agency Motivated
Stewardship Based
Exemplar Inspired
Eliminate Waste, 100% Productive

Why Use Movies?

Each of us wants to build families that stand strong, but we lack true heroes who lived as the Savior did when it comes to applying the Gospel. We want to see the Gospel in action and how to live it in our day. Because time is of the essence when we are dealing with our children in reaching their hearts, film and other forms of media can be utilized as a powerful tool for education. Movies have been demonstrated to effectively enhance comprehension, develop critical thinking skills, provoke stimulating discussion and make learning come alive, and for this reason we are excited to introduce a Ziontube movie curriculum for families. 

What is ZionTube?

What is ZionTube? The Internet is filled with information. Some is critical to understand, most is not essential and the balance is very destructive. Of the critical information, that which is most often overlooked is inspiring and sacred. Every concerned parent feels anxiety and responsibility for the proper direction of education and leisure in the home. The Joseph Smith Foundation is an organization dedicated to finding and organizing uplifting materials from across the Internet and then making these materials available to families in their own home using the latest technology available.

Course Purpose:

Each course is especially designed with a purpose— to help families to ‘remember’, or to ‘return’ to the covenant. Each course is free and within them: a lesson, scriptures & teachings of the prophets, real life application, questions, and activities for the family. The course also helps to strengthen the core family by recognizing the role of the father, encouraging family ministry, and a life of consecration; governing with correct principles.

We hope these courses will help you to build your family to stand stronger!