
After being crushed as parents, and surfacing back to the top after having one child leave the Church—and another attempt to take his life, we realized just how much our home had been compromised by the current culture, and what role not listening to the prophets had played in the breakdown of our family. This is when we humbly asked God: “How do we begin to take our family out of the murkiness of the world?”

The answer to the question we had asked came with an assignment through a dear friend. He knew of our desires and struggles and suggested that if Brad and I were really wanting to take the worldly influences out of our home and restore it—aligned with scripture, and the teachings of inspired prophets then we needed to re-educate or re-build our family from the philosophies of this world. Our government education system is so faulty, no one has really been ‘educated.’ Many have been programmed through a God-less system, one that is an anti-Christ to our homes. We have been taught evolutionary thinking, to embrace socialism, relativism, rebellion to parents, and rebellion to God. No longer are absolutes, fear, and love of Deity and country taught. The attributes of Christ are shunned, and now the motto of “Everyone for themselves” has permeated our society. This is what was coming into my home—crafted and neatly packaged in the name of good morals. 


“How does one re-educate their partially-grown family? What does that look like, and how long would it take?” Our friend told us about using ZionTube and its purpose, and that there were over 400 movies on there to watch. We were told “watch a movie, pause and discuss how they handle pressure, and trials? Break down the scenes and analyze how relationships work. Ask yourself what is the purpose and intention of the film. What are the attributes of Jesus Christ you are seeing, do they match the scriptures and teachings of the prophets?” 

We had just begun cutting out movies in our home, and were enjoying the peace away from the entertainment world, that there was no way we wanted to now go watch that many movies. However we did feel this was inspired as he spoke how “movies had the power to change lives faster than a book.” How we do not have to live the consequences ourselves, but through someone else. He also explained how these movies were all “screened”  and felt quicker than anything we could ever say in hopes to reach our children. 

So, for our homeschooling, we began our ‘re-education’ program using movies to school with. Each day we would take a movie, watch it, and pause it to discuss what we were learning. We would after viewing a movie leave a review with our thoughts and testimony for others, with the idea of learning how to defend truth through the pen. Through these movies, day in and day out all of a sudden, we went from the traditional weekend entertainment to using videos daily to gradually correct patterns of indoctrination that we had absorbed. 

The movies found on ZionTube that will be used for these courses, opened our eyes as a family! We had a new vision of what life could be, what is correct history, what causes are going on, how to interact in different situations, etc. Most of all, forgiveness, love, and charity were shown correctly. I believe that in our society, the main thing we are battling against is ignorance. If people were better educated, they would make better choices. Most families like us, just turn on a movie according to ratings, without ever pondering the content, producers, etc. Watching these movies helped re-educate my family correctly with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It put an end to the rebellion in my home, helped change the hearts of a few of my children, and was a wonderful asset in leaving Hollywood behind. Who would have known that using movies correctly would change the course of our broken home?

Because of our experience we decided we wanted to help others build their family stronger, Therefore we have created Passing Down the Faith educational movie courses in hopes of helping families prepare to educate their own family from the battles the adversary is assaulting using these films. What if we used our homes as a training ground instead of a forgotten weapon against the adversary in our age? Using Passing Down the Faith educational movie courses, those battles will be shown and can hopefully and successfully reach our apathetic family.  How do we prepare our children for the “real world” without being conformed to the world, we can use movies showing how the Gospel of Jesus Christ works! 

Passing Down the Faith is our family organization focused on projects founded in the words of Jesus Christ. We are a multigenerational family that has come together in purpose to learn how to pass down faith as well as correct traditions, to the next generation. We feel this will happen as we return to the covenant, defend our sacred lineage, and live by the inspired teachings of the prophets and scriptures. 

Each ZionTube movie has been screened, and from it a course is created to teach an aspect of the Gospel visually.  We feel that using more than one movie sometimes is needed to drive home the message. We feel that by showing true hero’s with attributes like Jesus Christ, and start rating our heroes and films by that standard we will get closer to becoming like Christ himself. 

We don’t believe you have to go wade through the muck from modern films to “find the bad” in the world.


ZionTube is an organization dedicated to finding and organizing uplifting movies from across the Internet and then making these movies available to families in their own homes. The Internet is filled with information; some of it is critical to understanding, but most not essential—and the balance is very destructive. Of the critical information, that which is most often overlooked is inspiring and sacred. Here you will find correct principles such as: 

  • Righteous and sacred works ever ridiculed or made fun of.
  • Good is shown as good, evil portrayed as evil
  • Breaking of the law of chastity as being evil and causing heartache, sorrow, depression, and bitter consequences.
  • Men and women sacrificing for others in service, and practicing great and simple deeds of benevolence. 
  • Heroes and heroines strive to change and become better with all their hearts, might, minds, and strength. 
  • Christian principles, such as freedom and liberty, upheld.
  • Marriage, families, and children portrayed according to scriptures. Large families promoted, and not ridiculed. Children are respectful to their parents and authority.
  • Breaking the law and living a carefree life is not glamorized. 
  • Christian virtues shown to be the one true path to happiness, they are looked upon as out of date, or even mocked.
  • Christians do not portray a casual, buddy buddy-type relationship with Christ.  
  • Shows and /inspires fear of God. 
  • The duties, responsibilities, and roles of men and women are portrayed correctly. 
  • The heroes/heroines are not involved in witchcraft, sorcery, wizardry, or connection with spirits or supernatural forces which are not godly or divine, and do not work within or obey the laws of nature and nature’s God? (Remember, there is NO such thing as good magic).