Joseph Smith’s Restored Principles for Educating Zion
Course Objective: Many families are in search of answers for their dying families, not seeing that perhaps the form of education we are using could be wrong. There are lots of educational models…
Becoming Mothers in Zion
Course Objective: This course is for the mothers who have a desire to establish Zion within their homes—working in role with her husband and preparing their children and posterity to keep the torch…
Pierce Their Hearts
Course Objective: When one finds out that he has dreadfully wronged someone who loves him, he grows sick at heart, and views his own conduct with abhorrence. What if this someone were Jesus…
Marrying Well
NEW CURRICULUM COMING SOON Course Objective: Whom our children marry someday may affect their eternal future: not only their own, but their spouses, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. Finding the perfect partner or the perfect marriage…
A House of Order
NEW CURRICULUM COMING SOON Course Objective: Lying within Doctrine & Covenants section 109 the Lord in His mercy has revealed a powerful tool to heal broken families, bring individuals into the presence of…