Resources For Families
It is hard to raise a family. Many times one is stuck trying to find needed answers for family situations, as our civilization is crumbling around us. Much of those answers that are given are man’s philosophies mingled with scriptures. Today, good families see the spiritual destruction that is happening and the moral decay of the people all around and feel hopeless.
This was us. We tried every program, used every check chart, and self-help books to save our children. It wasn’t until we decided to rebuild our family and start from scratch, yep a total family makeover from scratch, building upon the correct foundation, the Gospel of Jesus Christ that we saw fruit.
We decided as a family to offer some of those recourses to you, that helped our family turn around. We will be constantly adding more as we finish this website, but there should be enough to get started, to restore your family and build a better culture for your future family!

President Brigham Young stated:
“We talk and read about Zion, we contemplate upon it, and in our imaginations we reach forth to grasp something that is transcendent in heavenly beauty, excellency, and glory. But while contemplating the future greatness of Zion, do we realize that we are the pioneers of that future greatness and glory? Do we realize that if we enjoy a Zion in time or in eternity, we must make it for ourselves? That all who have a Zion in the eternities of the gods organized, framed, consolidated, and perfected it themselves, and consequently are entitled to enjoy it.