When I was much younger, the days of journal writing or keeping notes were very sparse, I hardly did any. I always loved the idea of having a notebook or a journal— filling it with notes and random thoughts etc.. But actually, writing anything of importance down? Nope, I was too stubborn for my own sake. Why would I, or anyone want to read or hear this? What’s the use of it? What good will this be for anyone? These were all the thoughts I kept telling myself, however, it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that my perspective on it changed. Wilford Woodruff taught a principle that can be applied to journals, that best describes how I felt…..
“While walking in a rapid stream we cannot tread twice in the same water. Neither can we spend twice the same time. When we pass out of that door, the work of this meeting will be closed to us forever. We shall never spend the time of this evening again. Then should we not keep a record of our work, teachings, and counsel which we give in this meeting? We should.” I have found the use for keeping a record, the good it serves oneself, not only for my own but someday for my future posterity.”
Wilford Woodruff has inspired me on my little journey to this profound idea of journal writing, haha! He wrote in his journal for 63+ years, he was a great example of one who has consistently taken the time to write in his journal. It has been said, “His journal entries leave a true and faithful record of his personal life, showing his love for his family, his interest in his surroundings, his diligence in performing daily tasks, his faith during trials, and his testimony and understanding of the gospel.”(Teachings of the Presidents of the Church)
I may still not be the best of writers or write as often as I should, but the act of putting the effort in, has taught me how to think, put thoughts down on paper, and has given me accuracy in events, etc. etc. So my words of advice, grab a pen, a piece of paper or notebook and just start! Tell your story!