One of my favorite documentaries I have watched is called Nephites in Europe. It introduces us to a royal family in Northern Europe descending from a prince by the name of Nefi or Nephi. It also discusses how another Northern European tribe was known by a name that likely means the “people of Nephi.”

From this documentary, I learned how the Nephites had traveled to Europe, beginning 60 years before Jesus Christ appeared to them! In the scriptures, it says
“Lehi was given the promise that his seed would be numbered among the nations, the kindreds, the tongues, and the people throughout the earth.”
Nephi also teaches us”
“And now when my father saw all these things, he was filled with the Spirit, and began to prophesy concerning his seed— That these plates of brass should go forth unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people who were of his seed.” (1 Nephi 5:17-18)
What are we to learn from this?
Well, we learn that you or I can be “Scandinavian and be a Nephite. I can be British and be a Nephite. You can be Irish and be a Nephite. We can be Japanese, and descend from the Nephites.”
The documentary teaches that in the past, for some reason, our “culture has assumed that to descend from the Nephites, an individual needed a darker complexion. The evidence is repeatedly clarifying that skin color is not a determining factor.”
That this Book of Mormon message is not just for you and me but for the world.
We also learn that the Nephite record answers the “problematic” questions in our day, and they established the greatest nation of liberty ever known to the world, and because of it, it is our responsibility of those who have the Nephite heritage to maintain those liberties today.
It has also been said “that the Book of Mormon record conveys the greatest examples of righteous fathers establishing patriarchal families and working through family issues including delinquency, faith crisis, and persecution. Latter-day Nephites must step forward and save the family.”

So what does this have to do with me?? Well for starters, knowing this bit of information has not only strengthened my testimony and love of the gospel. It’s changing me from the inside out. These are my people! These are my ancestors!
Watch the video for yourself and learn about this sacred heritage we have! Then, think about how are we doing as latter-day Nephites in our day. Are we keeping that covenant?
For me, I was given this resolution to sign and was challenged to do better.
How about you? Will you join me in signing this resolution and becoming a better ‘Nephite?’ I encourage you to do so!
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