
Building a Zion Culture of Nobility

Objective: Part of our responsibility is to restore a lost culture of etiquette and nobility. The honorable aspects of chivalry and noblesse oblige must not die.

8 Lesson Movie Course
Educational Categories:

“The Lord has told us that we live at the most wicked time on the most wicked earth. In other words, if we feel comfortable or at ease with the modernist culture (movies, music, diet, fashion, language, literature, parenting philosophies, schools, etc. etc), we must think again. . . .”

Where have the days gone of refinement, dignity, grace, honor and nobility? Today our dress is often sloppy, our language careless, our deportment is clumsy and our homes are in disarray and disorder. The Israelite influence in Great Britain introduced etiquette that expected men and women to exemplify good breeding, refinement and poise. Standing or sitting in an erect posture was encouraged while slouching was frowned upon. Loud laughter was unseemly. Men and women were first introduced and thereafter followed rules of decorum that ensured respectability and civility. Sadly, Britain eventually lost its Christian foundation, leaving only the dead form of “etiquette” remaining and even this was eventually lost.

This 8-Lesson movie course will take you through series of movies addressing topics such as: Raising Higher Standards, Refinement & Nobility, Music, Latter-day Christian Persecution, Consecration & Mission, The Prophet Joseph Smith’s Mission as Dispensation Head, The Gathering of Israel, and Modernist Secularization & Battlelines. It is the aim of this course to help families learn to ‘build a better house’.


  • Julie Smith is the Education Director for the Joseph Smith Foundation. She is the former owner of the Glenn J. Kimber Academy in Lehi, Utah. Julie served as a regional trainer—establishing 18 schools in Arizona, Idaho, and Utah. She is a certified teacher for The Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration (TJC) and taught the Making of America seminars written by W. Cleon Skousen and Glenn J. Kimber. Some of her children also traveled across the nation, assisting in teaching during these seminars. Julie taught history and Book of Mormon classes for 10 years. Julie is the mother of 5 children and grandmother to 7. She homeschooled for over 27 years, working through family challenges including pornography addiction, testimony faith crises, and teenage rebellion. She writes and teaches on strengthening the family, working with troubled youth, practically applying the teachings of scripture and the Prophet Joseph Smith, and celebrating higher standards. In her spare time, Julie also enjoys gardening, managing her .5-acre homestead, and hosting Sunday dinners with her family! Her home is a revolving door of guests and friends as her family hosts cultural celebrations and teaching events.

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