Additional Resources
Who are some other good exemplars that your family can look to? What righteous heroes and heroines can you learn from? For those who would like to dig just a little deeper into each topic, here are a few additional resources for your family to explore together.
“It’s Essential to Recognize Jesus Christ”
- Movie: Power of the Air
- Book: A Christ-Centered Home
- Articles: Think on Christ , Is the Book of Mormon an answer for apathy? , Snow White Birds-The consequences of allowing teaching without God to occur that destroys faith.
- Real Life Application: Pick an area of your life where you have been spiritually desensitized. Plan specific ways you can make changes to become more sensitized in this area. Commit to these changes for a period of time, and ask the Lord to help you have new eyes and ears. Invite your family or friends to join with you on this quest. Reflect on the differences that you see and feel and record them in your journal.
“The Life of a True Christian
- Movie: China Cry
- Audio Book: God’s Smuggler
- Article: Articles of Faith
- Real Life Application: What price are you willing to pay for your beliefs and for others to have the word of God? The true test of the sincerity of our convictions is not whether we are willing to increase gains from our beliefs, but whether we are willing to lay down our lives, and all our earthly possessions for our brothers and sisters in Christ. There are many organizations that smuggle Bibles into countries where the word is not allowed. As a family, raise money creatively to help purchase bibles for others.
“Attributes of a True Christian”
- Movie: Sabina, Watch the animated story of Richard Wurmbrand by the Torchlighters
- Audio Book: Heavenly Man
- Article: Responding to Persecution with Faith and Courage
- Lectures on Faith
- Real life Application: Christians loved opening their homes to believers, despite the risk. Gathering is crucial, it is part of our faith. We as Israel love to sing. We can read about our singing history in scriptures, and on the plains pushing handcarts many rejoiced through song. There is something about singing together that breaks boundaries instantly and strengthens bonds. Go out of your comfort zone, and invite families over for a dessert, and then sing together. Have each family bring their favorite hymn and share how it has strengthened them. What did this do for you as an individual, or as a family? Use music to break down walls in disarrayed friendships, new ones, or old ones.
- Want to know more about the power of music? Here is an article and fireside on its power! The Forgotten Language of the Heart
“We always have a choices”
- Movie: Unsung Hero, Pollyanna
- Book: Inn of 6th Happiness
- Article: Power of Plainess
- Real life Application: Nicolette found God, or was reminded of him and glorified him by leaving his word on the cell walls carved with a peach pit. years later another woman would be in cell #24. She was interrogated daily with bright light shone in her eyes causing her to almost be blind. She wanted to die until one day squinting she saw letters on the wall, the scriptures left behind Nicolette had carved and it saved her life. We never know how our words will help others, save a soul or lift them. Here is a link to write to prisoners yourself. Here is a chance to use your words to lift and build them. These may be the last words they hear, what will you say that could save them? Share your experience in writing a letter, or many.
“We have Been Lulled to Sleep”
- Movie: Case for Christ, Cromwell
- Book: God’s Messenger
- Article: Is the Book of Mormon the answers for apathy among the youth
- Real Life Application: Alma knew the way to God. He used ancestor stories and his own conversion. Read Alma 36 with the perspective of a father turning his children’s hearts by helping them to remember. Locate 5-10 stories of your ancestors and then ask where do you see commandments? Covenants? Promises? Blessings in that history being fulfilled. Did hearts soften? If you teach youth try this solution also, by using real stories to turn hearts.
“It Will Take a Team”
- Movie: Miracle at Midnight, Midnight Crossing
- Book: Sakratov,
- Article: A Plea to Strengthen our Homes
- Real Life Application: Your family is your team. They are not in the way as the world teaches, but ARE the way, and the greatest weapon against the adversary. We need everybody awake, no lukewarm members and working together. Visit Battlelines and view the battles that are happening as Christianity is under attack. Together as a family select where your family is going to help at, where are you going to make a difference as a team?
- For Our Day Podcasts with lessons and activities. Each lesson begins with a video and fascinating history, doctrine, and research related to the Book of Mormon and how it relates to us currently including activities and an inspiring call to action!
- Prophetic FAQ Learn what prophets have said about topics such as science, government, doctrinal issues, education, music, and more! Pure scripture and revelation, as opposed to the philosophies of men mingled with scripture.
- General Conference Church leaders from around the world share messages, or sermons, focused on Jesus Christ and His gospel.