Course Details
Movies included in this course:
Most movies can be found free on YouTube, or rented. To avoid broken links, only the trailer has been added.
- Module 1: Time Changer (2002)
- Module 2: The Printing (1990)
- Module 3: Tortured for Christ (2019)
- Module 4: Bless you, Prison (2009)
- Module 5: Play the Flute (2021)
- Module 6: Like Arrows (2019)
Pierce their Hearts
“. . . it did pierce them to the very soul, and did cause their hearts to burn.” 3 Nephi 11
Our families are falling apart. The youth are in rebellion, a rising generation unable to engage in battlelines and unprepared to build Zion. Men and women are ignorant of their awful situation and apathetic towards the scriptures. Families struggle with financial bondage, and distracted by the things of this world have lost sight of the true purpose of this life. There are so few real heroes raising the standard and we’re losing this battle! Everywhere we turn, it is clear that we are being lulled to sleep by the enemy into apathy, sin, slothfulness, pride and darkness! Hearts are failing.
When our children’s weaknesses are expressed through disobeying, throwing tantrums, talking back, lying, etc., they are actually just drawing from what is inside. We need to realize how critical it is to reach past the outward behavior and go after the heart! . The heart is the well from which all of the responses to life spring forth. To put it simply. . . the heart determines behavior.
The solution? To know the real Christ and use His word—as it is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword. As a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, it can pierce the very soul. Are we using all of our energy, focus, study, etc. to learn of Christ? Do we understand who God really is? Do we understand His true character and nature? God is not a spirit or a mystical power. He is a man, He is a human being. He is a Father, a husband, a brother, an uncle, a teacher, a scientist, an artist, a musician, an inventor, a historian, a writer, an architect and a Creator. Everything testifies of him! If your son or daughter does not believe that there is a God, their actions will rebel against Him. Your children need to know that God is real. They need to know that your home is governed by the Lord and inspiration from heaven. They need to know the miracles that He has performed in your life.
The Lord has told us through his prophets that we live at the most wicked time on the most wicked earth, and if we feel comfortable or at ease with our modern culture (movies, music, diet, fashion, language, literature, parenting philosophies, schools, etc.), we must think again. This is not who we really are. This course gives a greater vision of how our homes are out of order, where we are ignorantly at ease and how we no longer view Jesus Christ as the authority. Through the movies shared here you will see how true disciples of Christ are to live and become. You will observe examples of apathy and a solution to cutting through it.
Learn how to strengthen your family to become a mighty army that will completely thwart the attacks of the enemy! It is going to take a team to reach the next generations, and the Lord has given you one – your family!
In this Course You will Find:
- 6 Movies to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ correctly
- Descriptions of the movie
- An overall objective for each module
- Something to ask yourself as you watch the movie
- Three principles taught by inspired prophets with questions relating to both the principles and the movie
- Real life application to help you change your worldview
- At-the-end of the course questions for discussion
- Additional resources for your continued learning