
“Wisdom is to know what to do next.”— Little Lord Fauntleroy

Seven-year-old protagonist Cedric Errol lives with his mother in modest circumstances in New York after the death of his father. After he learns he’s heir to his grandfather’s earldom in England, he and his mother move there so that he can be trained to be Lord Fauntleroy. Cedric, with his innocent and kind nature, shows his grandfather the meaning of true nobility, transforming the selfish and cynical Earl into a generous, loving man.

The prophet Joseph Smith taught women how to behave when he spoke to the Relief Society. “As females possess refined feelings and sensitiveness, they are also subject to an overmuch zeal which must ever prove dangerous, and cause them to be rigid in a religious capacity—should be arm’d with mercy notwithstanding the iniquity among us.”
In this movie you will see a version of a mother who possesses refined feelings and is sensitive to others. She is careful to watch her zeal and, as a result, teaches her son, Little Lord Fauntleroy, not to trifle with the attributes of Jesus Christ.

What is the most important thing I as a mother can learn from tis movie right now? How can I apply what I am learning?

*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?
#1 Control Emotions:
“If a mother wishes to control her child, in the first place let her learn to control herself, then she may be successful in bringing the child into perfect subjection to her will.”
~ Brigham Young
Q. We can not expect obedience from our children when we are disobedient to God. Do you live a life of submission to God and can your children see this? Do you choose to eat what the Lord would have you eat? Do you choose your movies based on what the Lord would have you watch? When you are deciding how to spend your summer vacation, do you turn to the Lord in prayer asking, “What wouldst Thou have me do with this free time?” Do your children know this, can they see it?
#2 If the Mother is Humble:
“When a father is abusive in any way—is a drunkard, a swearer, &c., if the mother is humble and looks to her God, beyond her earthly lord, as it is her right under such circumstances, the influence that would otherwise operate upon her has little or no power to affect her offspring. If she secretly prays and lifts her desires to her Father in heaven, beyond her miserable, drinking, swearing husband, the sacred, peaceful, trusting, happifying influence she enjoys, when thus living near to her God, produces its impression upon the earthly tabernacle—upon the course in life of her prospective offspring.” ~Brigham Young
Q. Look in your own life and see where you are justifying behaviors and repent of them. Start by being obedient to God, regardless of what your spouse is or isn’t doing. Think of a specific area where your husband is weak or struggling right now. How can you strengthen and improve your prayers for him and for wisdom to know how you can respond? Do you genuinely feel at peace about situation? Do your children see a “sacred, peaceful, trusting and happy” attitude about you in your daily life, especially when responding to your husband’s struggle? Why or why not?
#3 We Know Better Than We Do:
“Bring up a child in the way it should go, and when it is old it will not depart from it.” If we are capable of bringing up a child in the way it should go, I will assure you that it will never depart from that way. Many persons think they do bring up their children in the way they should go, but in my lifetime I have seen very few, if any, parents, perfectly capable of bringing up a child in the way it should go; still most of us know better than we do, and if we will bring up our children according to the best of our knowledge, very few of them will ever forsake the truth.” ~Brigham Young
Q. Are you bringing up your children in the way they should go? Do you understand what is the way? What areas are you lacking that can be improved?

Do you know from scriptures or prophets what righteous emotions are? Do you know how Jesus Christ used them? If not, then this would be a good place to begin building a stronger foundation upon the rock.

“Say no and let it go, or say yes and get in!
— Karen Eubank

The true story of a remarkable family compelled by Christ to bring love into war. This epic documentary chronicles the 20-year journey of the Free Burma Rangers, an unconventional humanitarian organization, as they venture through jungles, firefights, and heroic rescues finding hope in seemingly impossible situations. It’s a real-life action-adventure film unlike any you’ve seen before.

This movie will show you real life jungle scenes with bullets flying overhead as war is happening. Karen, who gives birth, nurses, homeschools, and raises her children in this chaotic setting, has learned the secret to keeping it all together– being a mother who will raise her family in harmony with her husband’s vision.

What is the most important thing that I as a mother can learn from this movie right now? How can I apply what I am learning?

*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?
#1 Order of Heaven:
“The order of heaven places man in the front rank; hence he is first to be addressed. Woman follows under the protection of his counsels, and the superior strength of his arm. Her desire should be unto her husband, and he should rule over her. I will here venture the assertion, that no man can be exalted to a celestial glory in the kingdom of God whose wife rules over him; and as the man is not without the woman, nor the woman without the man in the Lord, it follows as a matter of course, that the woman who rules over her husband, thereby deprives herself of a celestial glory.” ~Orson Hyde
Q. In the movie, Free Burma Rangers, David Eubank felt a calling from God and his wife Karen demonstrates incredible faith and courage in uniting her children and helping her husband accomplish the mission to support persecuted minorities in Burma and Iraq. Sit down with your husband and review the plan that both of you have for your family. Are you united? How are you doing in achieving your goals? If you have never asked your husband this question, what a fun place to start! Schedule a date night and prepare some questions beforehand to ask your husband that will help you get to know him better and better understand his vision for your family. Help him feel safe and open to share with you by telling him some of the things that you most admire and appreciate that he has done thus far in your marriage and family life. If you and your husband are in doubt as to your goals, take a few weeks to fast and pray about it! Keep the conversation going and take notes so that you can remember and begin building your family vision!
#2 If You Suffer Your Children to be Wild:
“Mothers, if you suffer your children to grow up wild and uncorrected, when they come into the hands of their fathers, and will not follow their counsels, let them be disowned, and have no portion in the inheritance; let them be disfranchised, be banished from Israel, and not be numbered in the books of the offspring of Abraham. This shall be the fate of my disobedient children, if I have any; and if there are any of my children here today, let them hear it! For if they will not keep my commandments, they shall have no part or lot in the household of faith.” ~Brigham Young
Q. Humility and being teachable is a special attribute of Jesus Christ. Journal your thoughts on the following questions, Which of your children seems to be the strongest in this area? Which of your children is the weakest? What are some things you have found in your life that have helped you to be humble? Could you apply some of those same ideas to help your children? Pray for each child individually and ask the Lord how He would help you inspire gentleness and meekness in your children in the specific areas they struggle!
#3 Repeated in the Next Generation:
“Every child, with few possible exceptions, is the product of a home, be it good, bad, or indifferent. As children grow through the years, their lives, in large measure, become an extension and a reflection of family teaching. If there is harshness, abuse, uncontrolled anger, disloyalty, the fruits will be certain and discernible, and in all likelihood they will be repeated in the generation that follows. If, on the other hand, there is forbearance, forgiveness, respect, consideration, kindness, mercy, and compassion, the fruits again will be discernible, and they will be eternally rewarding. They will be positive and sweet and wonderful. And as mercy is given and taught by parents, it will be repeated in the lives and actions of the next generation.” ~Gordon B. Hinckley
Q. As mothers (and fathers) we have a responsibility to the next generation and so forth. Do you have a multi-generational view and look to the future? Are you a mother who risks everything to protect your posterity and future generations by passing down a legacy of faithfulness?

Do you know from the scriptures what the Lord meant when he spoke of women as helpmeets? If not, this would be a good place to begin building a stronger foundation upon the rock.

“We’d have made it, and next time we will.”

In the fall of 1979, one of history’s most ingenious and courageous flights to freedom took place when two families fled from Communist East Germany to the West in their handcrafted hot air balloon. NIGHT CROSSING is the remarkable true story of the Strelzyk and Wetzel families and their daring, death-defying escape.

“And he [Elijah] shall plant in the hearts of the children the **promises** made to the fathers, and the hearts of the children shall **turn to their fathers.** If it were not so, the whole earth would be utterly wasted at his coming.” (D&C 2:2-3). In this movie you will see a turning, when everyone turns toward their father after an attempt to escape. The movie depicts a father with a vision, supported by his wife and children, even though it’s risky and sometimes they don’t want to. Ultimately following the fathers vision is what saves this family.

What is the most important thing that I as a mother can learn from this movie right now? How can I apply what I am learning?

*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?
#1 Mothers Guide Destinies:
“The mothers are the moving instruments in the hands of Providence to guide the destinies of nations. … Consequently, you see at once what I wish to impress upon your minds is that the mothers are the machinery that gives zest to the whole man, and guide the destinies and lives of men upon the earth.” ~Brigham Young
Q. If you could change one thing about the country in which you live, what would it be? If you could change its destiny in one specific way, what would be different? (Hint: you can!!) You change history through your children! Think about what you wrote down and ask yourself, do your children know this about you? Do they feel the same way? If not, how could you help them understand this better? If they do feel the same way, what are they doing to make this change? This would be a really fun conversation to have with them on a hike or during a picnic at the park. Share with them your passion and help them become excited about making your dream possible!
#2 Instructions:
“It is the duty of the wife, to be in subjection to her husband at all times, not as a servant, neither as one who fears a tyrant, or a master, but as one, who, in meekness, and the love of God, regards the laws and institutions of Heaven, looks up to her husband for instruction, edification and comfort. Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord, whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.” `Joseph Smith
Q. How can a wife know whether her husband is following Christ? What blessings come to husbands and wives who together submit to God’s will?
#3 We Know Better Than We Do:
“… When a man is borne down with trouble, when he is perplexed with care and difficulty, if he can meet a smile instead of an argument or a murmur—if he can meet with mildness, it will calm down his soul and soothe his feelings; when the mind is going to despair, it needs a solace of affection and kindness. … When you go home, never give a cross or unkind word to your husbands, but let kindness, charity and love crown your works henceforward.” ~Joseph Smith
Q. Each man feels loved, appreciated, and comforted very differently. Often, the way a wife feels loved is very different from her husband. Write down a list of 5 things you know are unique to your husband that help him feel loved in his own way. If you are not sure, ask him! Or begin watching closely! When was the last time you accomplished most of the items on your list? Do you need to improve? If so, brainstorm some ideas for how.

What does it mean to have hearts turned to the Fathers? Why is this message important to our families? How does it apply to you as a mother and what is responsibility? If you do not understand this covenant, then this would be a good place to start building a stronger foundation upon the rock.

“You can’t sit on two chairs at once.”—Andrei Sakharov

Andrei Sakharov is an acclaimed nuclear physicist living in Moscow. Though he leads the development of Russia’s hydrogen bomb, Andrei becomes politically disillusioned as tensions between the U.S.S.R. and the United States continue to rise. He willfully jeopardizes his career by speaking out against his government’s oppression of the Russian people, and is eventually demoted. Unfazed, Andrei publishes essays critical of the Soviet government, which leads to his exile to a small city.

In this movie you will find the husband and wife united on the same vision. Both spouses can help each other grow without losing their personality or being a doormat. Many people think that if a wife works with her husband, she’ll lose herself and her identity, and she won’t have a voice. But that would only happen if there were competing visions and competing missions, so one or the other person is going to lose their way. If you’re united, you can both grow?

What is the most important thing that I as a mother can learn from this movie right now? How can I apply what I am learning?

*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?
#1 A True Mother:
“A wife may love her husband, but it is different to that of the love of mother to her child. The true mother, the mother who has the fear of God and the love of truth in her soul, would never hide from danger or evil and leave her child exposed to it. But as natural as it is for the sparks to fly upward, as natural as it is to breathe the breath of life, if there were danger coming to her child, she would step between the child and that danger; she would defend her child to the uttermost. Her life would be nothing in the balance, in comparison with the life of her child. That is the love of true motherhood—for children. … I have learned to place a high estimate upon the love of mother. I have often said, and will repeat it, that the love of a true mother comes nearer being like the love of God than any other kind of love. ~Joseph F. Smith
Q. While we may not have the KGB knocking on our door, or be tortured for our beliefs, we do, however, face the evil of the world coming into our homes daily. This movie shows how to win the battle and the importance of doing so. What principles can you see within this movie to apply to being a TRUE MOTHER?
#2 Unity:
“When a wife is obedient to her husband there is union, there is heaven, that is, there is one heaven, though it is a little one; and a righteous union is what will make a heaven. There are many kinds of sin, among which is the sin of confusion; and I tell you there is plenty of confusion in a family where each one wants to be head. Just look at it, what a heaven that is! We all have to make our heaven, or do without one.” ~Heber C. Kimball
Q. Many times we think that to unite with a spouse on the same vision we will lose our personality or become a doormat. People think if a wife works with her husband they won’t have a voice, but that would only happen if there were competing visions and competing missions, so one or the other person is going to lose their way. If you’re united, can you both go? Can you see the importance of this teaching? What part in the movie shows this to you, the best?
#3 Do Not Reject the Prophets:
“A few words to the sisters, you mothers who are trifling with the ordinances of the house of God, and the blessings that are proffered to you, I will say that the time will come, if you persist in doing so, when you will mourn, and will be willing to give worlds, if you possessed them, for the privilege of living your lives over again. Some of you are treating with contempt the oracles of the Kingdom of God upon the earth, and in the commission of this sin you trifle with your own salvation, as well as the salvation of our children. Repent, and turn unto God, and teach your children the importance of doing the same, and of the sacredness of the ordinances and the laws of God.” ~Brigham Young
Q. This movie encompasses many teachings that the prophets have taught when it comes to being a wife and mother. When we do not follow the teachings taught to us, how are we trifling with the ordinances?

You and your husband are intended to be one in purpose. If you do not understand oneness according to scriptures, then this would be a good place to start building a stronger foundation upon the rock.

“In his time and in his way, God always keeps his promises.”
— Allie

An investigative journalist and self-proclaimed atheist sets out to disprove the existence of God after his wife becomes a Christian.

A woman not only bears children, she also bears the burdens of her husband. Bearing means to take away or carry off the weight someone else is experiencing. In essence, you are bringing some form of relief and comfort to someone else’s challenging situation. You are giving new life to someone by doing this or restoring something. We as mothers give life through the process of giving birth, and you can bring life to your husband as you bear his burdens. Jesus Christ is the burden-bearer of all of our sins—bearing them to make new life! You will find in this movie how a wife and mother bears the burden of her family— restoring spiritual and physical life to her family.

What is the most important thing that I as a mother can learn from this movie right now? How can I apply what I am learning?

*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?
#1 Bear the Souls:
“Mothers are given a sacred privilege to ‘bear the souls of men; for herein is the work of [the] Father continued, that he may be glorified’” ~Doctrine & Covenants
Q. What is the definition of bear? What does it mean to bear the souls of men? How can you better bear, or bring life to your husband and family, to glorify God?
#2 Only Love Those Who Have Secured Themselves:
“… you ought to love a woman only so far as she adorns the doctrine you profess; so far as she adorns that doctrine, just so far let your love extend to her. When will she be worthy of the full extent of your affection? When she has lived long enough to secure to herself a glorious resurrection and an eternal exaltation as your companion, and never until then.”
~Brigham Young
Q. Is Brigham teaching a correct doctrine? Take a real look at your marriage and your relationship with your children, do you love them more than you love God? If so, the area to study and change your view on.
#3 Keep Your Eye on God, Not Your Spouse:
“This is the education I wish you to establish in this Church, that mothers may not suppose they are not required to watch over the early education and impressions of their children, but over their husbands to know where they are every moment of their lives, taking special care to order them thus and so, so as to keep them advised and properly instructed all the time, instead of doing that which they ought in their houses with their children. I am not quite so strenuous as some of the ancients were, who taught that if the women wanted to learn anything, to learn it at home from their husbands. I am willing they should come to the meetings and learn, but some of the ancients proscribed them in this privilege, and would confine them at home to learn through their husbands. I am a little more liberal than they were, but this is not liberal enough for many of the women,
….Do you wish your husband to sit all the time in the parlor with you? Yes, and I should suppose, by the conduct of some, you want to be seated over the head of God Almighty, to rule over Him, and all His kingdoms.” ~Brigham Young
Q. We live in a culture where women’s needs are put first. Many men have become unmasculine as they run to and fro meeting the needs of his wife and home. Examine more closely what the prophet is teaching, and how we women should be more independent. Is there room for you to improve on and find more order when it comes to the view of your husband and his role?

We are commanded to bear one another’s burdens as the Savior taught. As we lift the burden of another, we are “saviours … on mount Zion” (Obadiah 1:21). We are symbolically aligning ourselves with the Redeemer of the world and His Atonement. We are “bind[ing] up the brokenhearted, … proclaim[ing] liberty to the captives, and … opening … the prison to them that are bound” (Isaiah 61:1). If you need to understand more about your role as a wife, then this would be a good place to begin building a stronger foundation upon the rock.

“Your family isn’t in the way, they are the way.”— James Smallbone

We’ve designed this end of the course discussion to help you explore more how God might be calling you to live out these movie’s themes in your life. We encourage you to take the principles and really study them out and then apply them. True principles create change, and can pierce the hearts of your children!
- What does this movie course inspire you to do for others, or share with them? How can you focus on others?
- What is your family’s mission? How do the teachings in this course support your family’s mission? What can you do based on these teachings to further your family’s mission? Can you see a cause or a need that your family should focus on?
- Do you know how to be clean to receive revelation and obey the Spirit? As a parent, do you pray to know how to raise your children? Do you meditate about each child, and ask specific questions?
- Is your family in order with proper priesthood authority in the home? Are you focusing on the family? Are you united as a family?
- Are your children motivated by their own agency or are they relying on their parents? Are they driving themselves? Are they becoming independent? Do they know how to use their agency correctly and are they doing it?
- Do your children have independent stewardships in the home and are they accountable for it with consequences? How well are they doing with magnifying that calling and stewardship?
- God doesn’t do anything without reason and a purpose. In nature everything has purpose and builds the system up. In a celestial order, there is perfect harmony and everything contributes, as in the united order, nothing done ever goes to waste as everything and everybody is producing. Learning only, is a waste. How are you doing as a family? After watching this course, what can you produce?
- Is there anything that you are doing that will not be the most efficient possible? Where can things be improved? Is every decision based on the questions, “Is this what the Lord would have me do right now? And is this the best thing I can do with my time?”