

“Men of sense, whatever you may say, do not want silly wives!”Mr. Knightly

Movie Description:

Beautiful, clever, and rich, Emma Woodhouse is convinced she is good at matchmaking after her older sister and her governess both marry suitable husbands. No matter that as Mr Knightley drily observes, in reality, she had nothing to do with these relationships. Yet Emma, certain of her talents, plays a dangerous game as she persuades her new friend, the young, pretty, and socially inferior Harriet, to reject an advantageous marriage proposal to a local farmer in favour of dashing Mr Elton. So begins a story which challenges Emma’s naivety, her social preconceptions and her relationship with Knightley. Fresh and funny, this perceptive adaptation, featuring a stellar cast, brings Jane Austen’s comic masterpiece to life.

Educational Principle: Father Presised/Family-Centered:

Class system originally comes from Israel, like medieval kingdoms, marrying within bloodlines/dynasty’s, etc. but without God and charity as the foundation, it becomes selfish and a complete inverse of what it was supposed to be. Instead of being a means to serve and help others, it becomes the opposite. Instead of being the source of humility, it becomes the source of pride. 

In Jane Austen’s books, gentlemen always marry the daughters of gentlemen. Even when a man is marrying a woman who is poor or at a different social status, they always marry women or men who are the sons or daughters of gentlemen and were raised accordingly. They don’t marry girls from the kitchen. Class systems provided a means in protecting the future of the family, just as it should be in our view. Fathers presided and had the ultimate say in his family. In the days of the patriarchs, homes were in order with proper Priesthood authority. Families focused on their family, and were united with their families. Schools were only an extension of the home. Today it is important for families to recognize this ‘Kingdom view,’ and organize in a manner to bring one’s posterity back into the presence of the almighty King.

Throughout the Movie ask Yourself: 

What is the most important thing from this movie my family needs right now? How can we apply what we are learning?

Prophetic Teachings & Questions:

*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?

#1 Royal Lineage:
“If a mother wishes to control her child, in the first place let her learn to control herself, then she may be successful in bringing the child into perfect subjection to her will.” 
Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, selected and arranged by John A. Widtsoe [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1954], p. 206; Journal of Discourses 14:277

Q. When we truly understand who we are, we act differently. The Lord is then able to more clearly reveal our mission and purpose in life. Watch the movie Hidden Bloodline, and Nephites in Europe to learn about your sacred lineage. What did you learn that you did not know before?

#2  Raise up a Kingdom:
“We understand that we are to be made kings and priests unto God; now if I be made the king and lawgiver to my family, and if I have many sons, I shall become the father of many fathers, for they will have sons, and their sons will have sons, and so on, from generation to generation, and, in this way, I may become the father of many fathers, or the king of many kings. This will constitute every man a prince, king, lord, or whatever the Father sees fit to confer upon us.  In this way we can become king of kings, and lord of lords, or father of fathers, or prince of princes, and this is the only course, for another man is not going to raise up a kingdom for you.”
Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, selected and arranged by John A. Widtsoe [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1954], p. 195; Journal of Discourses 3:265-266.

Q. What is the Patriarchal Order, (Family Centered) and how does it pertain to families today, and how does it affect generations for good or for not – when not lived?

#3 Father’s Have a Right to Know:
“As a head of a family, I have a right to know these things; I have a right to know what influences are brought in and around my house, what spirits predominate there, and I have a right to know what a man’s religion is.

“But do you not allow liberty of conscience?” Yes. You can worship what you please—a donkey or a red dog—but you must not bring that worship into my house; I do not believe in your gods, I believe in the God of Israel, in the Holy Ghost, in the spirit of truth and intelligence, and all good principles; and if you want to worship your gods, worship them somewhere else, and if anybody else wants to worship them, they can do so: you can go on to one of those mountains and worship your gods, or if you are living in a house here, you can be a worshipper of Buddha if you please; but I do not want it in my house, and I do not want the spirit that you have—the spirit of those gods, visible or invisible; I do not want their teachings, spirit, nor influences.”
John Taylor, Journal of Discourses, vol. 11, p. 51.

Q. Is your family in order with proper Priesthood authority in the home? Is your home governed by the Lord? If your children know this, they will be inspired to follow those faithful footsteps. Are you focusing on the family and what is coming in? Are you united as a family?

Where to Begin as a Family: 

If you do not understand your sacred lineage and inheritance then this would be a good place to start building upon the rock stronger.

#2 Matter of Faith

“This guy stands against everything we believe in”

—Stephan Whitaker

Movie Description:

A Christian girl, Rachel Whitaker, goes off to college for her freshman year and begins to be influenced by her popular Biology professor, who teaches that evolution is the answer to the origins of life. When Rachel’s father senses something is changing with his daughter, he begins to examine the situation and what he discovers catches him completely off guard. Now very concerned about Rachel drifting away from her Christian faith, he tries to do something about it!

Educational Principles: Built Upon the Rock & All Things Testify of Christ:

Homes for the early saints were built on the rock of revelation/i.e. the Scriptures, they knew Scriptures, and they had faith. Homes were centered around learning, studying, etc. of Christ. They taught that all things testify of Him. They taught their children to see Him, the real Him.

Are the rules in your home derived from the Scriptures and inspired counsel from Latter-day prophets? Do you live a life of submission to God and can your children see this? Do you choose to eat what the Lord would have you eat? Do you choose your movies based on what the Lord would have you watch? When you are deciding how to spend your summer vacation, do you turn to the Lord in prayer asking, “What wouldst Thou have me do with this free time?”

Throughout the Movie ask Yourself: 

What is the most important thing from this movie for me as a mother right now? How can I apply what I am learning?

Prophetic Teachings & Questions:

*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?

#1 Hell will not Prevail:
“If our house is built upon a rock with the brick and mortar of good works, it will withstand the storms and perils of life and preserve us for an eternal inheritance hereafter. If it is built upon the sands of evil with the rusty nails and rotting timber of carnal things, it will be destroyed when the rains and the winds and the floods beat upon it. . . . If we are founded upon a rock, the gates of hell shall not prevail against us. As long as we remain in our house of faith, we shall be preserved when the rains of evil fall, when the winds of false doctrine blow, and when the floods of carnality beat upon us.”
Bruce R. McConkie, General Conference April 1981, “Upon This Rock”.

Q. In Doctrine and Covenants 88, the Lord speaks on how to build a House of Order. What can you do as a family to build your house stronger using this as a blueprint. What are the promises that will come to your family from this section of Scripture?

#2 Philosophies of men mingled with scripture:
“It is important that in our teaching we make use of the language of holy writ. Alma said, “I…do command you in the language of him who hath commanded me.” The words and the way they are used in the Book of Mormon by the Lord should become our source of understanding and should be used by us in teaching gospel principles.”
President Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference April 1987, “The Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants”.

Q. Whose messengers are you going to listen to?

  • We should be looking for messengers from the Lord.
  • Messengers from the Lord do not ever mingle scriptures with philosophies of any kind.
  • Messengers from the Lord do not use social sciences language.
  • Messengers from the Lord do not mix psychology with the Gospel.
#3 Faith Determines our Actions:
“Let us here observe, that three things are necessary, in order that any rational and intelligent being may exercise faith in God unto life and salvation.

First, The idea that he actually exists.
Secondly, A correct idea of his character, perfections and attributes.
Thirdly, An actual knowledge that the course of life which he is pursuing, is according to his will.”
Joseph Smith, Lectures on Faith, Lecture 3, p. 39.

Q. The first step of faith is to believe God the Father “actually exists”. Let us put this in a family context with young children. If your son or daughter does not believe that there is a God, their actions will rebel against Him. Your children need to know that God is real. They need to know that your home is governed by the Lord and inspiration from heaven. They need to know the miracles He has performed in your life.  

Are the rules in your home derived from the scriptures and inspired counsel from Latter-day prophets? Do you live a life of submission to God and can your children see this? Do you choose to eat what the Lord would have you eat? Do you choose your movies based on what the Lord would have you watch? When you are deciding how to spend your summer vacation, do you turn to the Lord in prayer asking, “What wouldst Thou have me do with this free time?”

Where to Begin as a Family: 

If our definition of faith is different than what principle #3 speaks about, then this would be a good place to start building upon the rock stronger.

#3 The Insanity of God

“90% born in the church, raised in the church, saved in the church, married and buried in the church will never share Jesus with another person.”

 —Nik Ripken

Movie Description:

The Insanity of God film is based on bestselling The Insanity of God book…. a true story of missionaries Nik and Ruth Ripken. After the death of their son, this ordinary couple journeys into the depths of the persecuted church, asking the question – IS JESUS WORTH IT?

How does faith survive, let alone flourish in the places of the world that are overcome with the darkness of sin, despair and hopelessness? Join the Ripkens as they tell the story of being taught by believers in persecution, “how to follow Jesus, how to love Jesus, and how to walk with Him day by day even when it doesn’t make sense.”

Educational Principles: Exemplar Inspired & Spirit Led:

Our children need good examples and that begins with us, as parents, following Jesus Christ who is the greatest exemplar of all.  Many homes are in confusion and disarray, as poor examples rule and Jesus Christ is nowhere to be found, except a weak version on the Sabbath. To educate our children correctly, we need proper authority in place. Right now, the church of the Devil is teaching our children under the influence of movie theaters. What we esteem as entertainment, and what we pay for on Saturday night, we call sin if it was done at the pulpit. 

Our homes need parents who are willing to lay everything down, including themselves, and go find the real Jesus Christ, even if it means going to the jungle. What price are you willing to pay to find Him to save your family? Once we ourselves are in order, then our family members need to learn how to follow the spirit, and be clean to receive revelation and obey.

Throughout the Movie ask Yourself: 

What is the most important thing from this movie for me as a mother right now? How can I apply what I am learning?

Prophetic Teachings & Questions:

*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?

#1 By Virtue of the Covenant:
When a seal is put upon the father and mother, it secures their posterity, so that they cannot be lost, but will be saved by virtue of the covenant of their father and mother.
Joseph Fielding Smith, ed., The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 356-57.

Q. A parent must lay down their life for their children as an exemplar. Turning children’s heart to the fathers, means to be sealed to the fathers, doing all the necessary Priesthood ordinances, passing through testing to overcome, and having that assurance you are promised eternal life. Until this happens, we are not sealed to the fathers/our heart is not turned and bound to them. Once this happens, we are safe and protected from the “fire” of the last days.

#2 When You Feel Pure Intelligence:
“A person may profit by noticing the first intimation of the spirit of revelation; for instance, when you feel pure intelligence flowing into you, it may give you sudden strokes of ideas, so that by noticing it, you may find it fulfilled the same day or soon; (i.e.) those things that were presented unto your minds by the Spirit of God, will come to pass; and thus by learning the Spirit of God and understanding it, you may grow into the principle of revelation, until you become perfect in Christ Jesus.”
Joseph Fielding Smith, The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 151.

Q. Do you know how to be clean to receive revelation and obey the Spirit?

“Faith is a gift of God bestowed as a reward for personal righteousness. It is always given when righteousness is present, and the greater the measure of obedience to God’s laws the greater will be the endowment of faith”
Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed. [1966], 264.

Q. Do you desire more faith? Then it is through obedience it is acquired. When we teach our children by example, or precept, to be casual or situational in obeying God’s commandments, we prevent them from receiving this vital spiritual gift. Faith requires an attitude of exact obedience, even in the small, simple things. Examine your home, are there areas you can improve obedience in?

Where to Begin as a Family: 

If you do not understand what Joseph Smith meant by virtue of the covenant then this would be a good place to start building upon the rock stronger.

#4 Mully

Because when you love people, then you love God. Dr. Mully

Movie Description:

What happens when a six-year-old boy in Kenya is abandoned and left to survive on the streets? Mully is not your typical “rags-to-riches” story—it’s the extraordinary true story of Charles Mully, a man who rose from poverty to wealth, only to risk everything to rescue thousands of orphaned children across Kenya.

Follow this inspiring journey as Mully defies all odds, challenges societal norms, and transforms the lives of countless vulnerable children. Facing immense personal and financial risks, Charles Mully sets in motion a series of miraculous events, creating the world’s largest family.

Educational Principle: Focus Outwards & Mission Led:

Our children need something real to sink their teeth into. They can spot hypocrisy, mixed messages and a fake gospel. Our children need the gospel taught as pure as it can be. Life is one of the greatest playing fields to learn the gospel first hand, and to give our children real experiences through hard work.  Too many times we fear we will lose our children if we do not provide fun, or they rule, now while this may look to be true, the reality is, we will lose them through this method. 

Families need a cause or a family mission? How will you rescue and save precious souls? Lift those whose hands hang down? It is hard to know how to begin bringing the entire family together. All family members need to learn how to receive true revelation and obey the Spirit to find answers and what is God’s will—mediating about even each child and their role in the work, asking specific questions.

Throughout the Movie ask Yourself: 

What is the most important thing from this movie for me as a mother right now? How can I apply what I am learning?

Prophetic Teachings & Questions:

*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?

“For a man to lay down his all, his character and reputation, his honor, and applause, his good name among men, his houses, his lands, his brothers and sisters, his wife and children, and even his own life also—counting all things but filth and dross for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ—requires more than mere belief or supposition that he is doing the will of God; but actual knowledge, realizing that, when those sufferings are ended, he will enter into eternal rest, and be a partaker of the glory of God.”
Joseph Smith, Lectures on Faith, Lecture 6, p. 66.

Q. Do you have actual knowledge you are doing the will of God?

“Love is one of the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons of God. A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race.
Joseph Smith, History of the Church, 4:227.

Q. How are you, as a member of the Church, in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, providing for the widow, drying up the tears of the orphan, and bringing comfort to the afflicted? What can you do to improve as a family?

“What you win them with, is likely what you’ll win them to. If you win them with the Gospel, you’ll win them to the Gospel. If you win them with technique, programs, entertainment, and personal charisma, you might end up winning them to yourself and your methods (and you might not!), but it’s likely that they won’t be won to the Gospel first and foremost.”
Mark Dever, “The Deliberate Church.”

Q. The world is always going to be more fun, more sensuous, more “cool”, more “hip”, more tasty, more “in” more . . . In your life, or home, are you competing with the world? Can you see in your own lives how you are using the world to convert rather than the Gospel?

Where to Begin as a Family: 

If you do not understand what true discipleship is, then this would be a good place to start building upon the rock stronger.

#5 Boys Town

There is no such thing as a bad boy.


Movie Description:

When a death row prisoner tells him he wouldn’t have led a life of crime, if only he had had one friend as a child, Father Edward Flanagan decides to start a home for young boys.

Educational Principle: Stewardship & No Waste!:

God doesn’t do anything without reason and a purpose. In nature, everything has purpose and builds the system up. In a celestial order, there is perfect harmony and everything contributes, as in the united order, nothing done ever goes to waste as everything and everybody is producing. 

To share an example of this principle in action, instead of looking at what your child has gotten done, look at what they are doing that day, or week, or what has been accomplished in the year. Instead of 30 mins piano lessons, what if we assigned your child to learn 3 hymns perfectly, and then share them somewhere. This will train children to always be evaluating not just time, but how they are helping others! 

Stewardships = work. All family members should have independent stewardships in the home and be accountable for it with consequences. Right now, we have homes where mothers are killing themselves doing everything. Mothers should not be doing anything a child can do, but only what she can do.  

Families should be producing and building up the Kingdom of God and helping others. Our children need to be prepared for a difficult future, they need to learn discipline, to push through even when tired, hot and thirsty. Families, due to lack of stewardships/work are not learning self-control, not to watch pornography, or say no to inappropriate media. Children throw tantrums and we allow it, never teaching how to control emotions.

Throughout the Movie ask Yourself: 

What is the most important thing from this movie for me as a mother right now? How can I apply what I am learning?

Prophetic Teachings & Questions:

*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?

“If I spend a minute that is not in some way devoted to building up the Kingdom of God and promoting righteousness, I regret that minute, and wish it had been otherwise spent. This proves to me that the Spirit of the Lord is with me.”
Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 12, p. 217.

Q. Many are suffering, losing their faiths, and others are being persecuted, all the while we watch hours of T.V, immersing ourselves in frivolous amusements, or indulging in hobbies without an aim. Every hour we waste by not helping we will be accountable for. What are some of your greatest distractions and regrets that you want to work on? How can you improve by using your time better?

“Let the people build good houses, plant good vineyards and orchards, make good roads, build beautiful cities in which may be found magnificent edifices for the convenience of the public, handsome streets skirted with shade trees, fountains of water, crystal streams, and every tree, shrub and flower that will flourish in this climate, to make our mountain home a paradise and our hearts wells of gratitude to the God of Joseph, enjoying it all with thankful hearts, saying constantly, “not mine but thy will be done, O Father” 

Beautify your gardens, your houses, your farms; beautify the city. This will make us happy, and produce plenty. The earth is a good earth, the elements are good if we will use them for our own benefit, in truth and righteousness. Then let us be content, and go to with our mights to make ourselves healthy, wealthy, and beautiful, and preserve ourselves in the best possible manner, and live just as long as we can, and do all the good we can.”
Brigham Young, The Discourse of Brigham Young, p. 302.

Q. Where have the days gone of courtesy, refinement, dignity, grace, honor and nobility, and beauty in our surroundings? Part of our responsibility is to restore this lost Israelite culture. The honorable aspects of chivalry and noblesse oblige must not die. What can you do to restore this lost culture beginning with the beauty of your home?

“Never let anything go to waste. Be prudent, save everything, and what you get more than you can take care of yourselves, ask your neighbors to help you consume.”
Brigham Young, The Discourse of Brigham Young, p. 292.

Q. This is a true principle not only in materialism but in time, talents, resources, gifts, and work that God teaches. Examining your home, how can you improve not wasting in these areas? What can you do to follow the council of the prophet better?

Where to Begin as a Family: 

If you do not understand what stewardship is, then this would be a good place to start building upon the rock stronger.

Look at your home and see where the principle of WORK, WASTE, & STEWARDSHIP are not strong, or in place. Do you have your family team all set up, or are you doing it all by yourself? Everyone should be working together, even as an extended family if you have older married children. Using these principles how can your family become better producers!

#6 Return to the Hiding Place

“If not us, then who?”Hans

Movie Description:

When the Nazis begin killing Jews in Holland, a group of youth fight to save the lives of the innocent.  Dutch Resistance fighter Hans Poley in World War II, found refuge at Corrie Ten Boom’s house. Hans defies the new Nazi commandant and escapes with his life. He takes refuge in Corrie Ten Boom’s house, which is crowded with Jewish refugees and becomes part of her teenage army. Hans gets a false identity and joins the Dutch Resistance. As the Nazis commit atrocity after atrocity, the danger for Hans and his new compatriots increases tenfold.

Educational Principle: Agency Motivated:

In raising children, we must look at the individual as a child of God, with the ability to choose right and wrong, ability to grow and progress toward God vs not someone to be molded: there is a choice, and the reason there is a choice is because of intelligence. As a parent you know you’ve succeeded – when your youth does it on their own, and you do not have to hover over them “on task”. The fruits are, that mere youth accept such responsibilities without directed from the heart, when most are indulging in their personal lives and led only from rules, making very few major decisions.

Throughout the Movie ask Yourself: 

What is the most important thing from this movie for me as a mother right now? How can I apply what I am learning?

Prophetic Teachings & Questions:

*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?

“This agency has always been the heritage of man under the rule and government of God. He possessed it in the heaven of heavens before the world was, and the Lord maintained and defended it there against the aggression of Lucifer and those that took sides with him. … By virtue of this agency you and I and all mankind are made responsible beings, responsible for the course we pursue, the lives we live, and deeds we do”
Wilford Woodruff, Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, sel. G. Homer Durham [1946], 8–9.

Q. Are your children motivated by their own agency or are they relying on their parents? Are they driving themselves? Are they becoming independent?

 “What, then, are the elements of moral agency? There are three.
Laws with opposite consequences attached for obedience and disobedience.
Knowledge of those laws and their alternative consequences, and
Freedom to choose and receive the consequence.”
Todd D. Christofferson, “June 2009 Ensign”.

Q. Do they know how to use their agency correctly, and are they doing it? Do your children understand that to make a correct choice, they need all 3 elements to make a choice, otherwise without it they cannot govern correctly? Take a situation in helping a child use their agency correctly by applying these elements to the situation.

“I teach them correct principles, and they govern themselves.”
 Joseph Smith, “Chapter 24: Leading in the Lord’s Way,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, [2007], 281–91.

Q. When Joseph Smith says, “I teach them correct principles,” there is a hidden premise to this: The parent must first know the correct principles themselves. This involves life-long learning. Then, once we as parents live these principles (both in theory and in practice), we need to teach them to our family. Examining your parenting, do you live and govern yourself of what you have come to know, by a lifetime of studying the prophets, or do you govern your home with popular opinions and justifications? If opinions, switch to using the prophets as your guide.

Where to Begin as a Family: 

If you do not understand what agency is, then this would be a good place to start building upon the rock stronger.


We’ve designed this end of the course discussion for your family to help you explore more how God might be calling you to live out this movie’s themes in your life. We encourage you to take the principles and really study them out and then apply them. True principles create change, and can pierce the hearts of our children!

  1. What does this movie course inspire you to do for others, or share with them? How can your family focus on others? 
  2.  What is your family’s mission? How do the teachings in this course support your family’s mission? What can you do based on these teachings to further your family’s mission?  Can you see a cause or a need that your family should focus on? 
  3. As a parent, do you pray to know how to raise your children? Do you meditate about each child, and ask specific questions? 
  4. Using these movies as an example, do your children know how to govern themselves correctly?
  5. Can you see how children need stewardships in the home and accountability accountable for it with consequences? How well are they doing with magnifying that calling and stewardship?
  6. God doesn’t do anything without reason and a purpose. In nature everything has purpose and builds the system up. In a celestial order, there is perfect harmony and everything contributes, as in the united order, nothing done ever goes to waste as everything and everybody is producing. After watching this course, what can you produce as a family team through an inspired project to help others, and build up the Kingdom of God? 
    • Purpose of Family Projects
      • Helps people grow to become more like God.
      • Should involve all members of the family if possible.
      • Develops talents and abilities of those involved.
      • Effectively uses your time and talents in the most efficient manner.
      • Divine roles of family members should be upheld and supported.
      • Motivate family members by and with scriptural principles.
      • Contributors should be anxiously engaged.
      • Inspired and directed by the Lord.
  7. Is there anything that you are doing that will not be the most efficient possible?  Where can things be improved? Is every decision based on the questions, “Is this what the Lord would have me do right now? And is this the best thing I can do with my time?”
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