“Satan is not against good morals—he is opposed to Jesus Christ!”
Nineteenth-century Bible professor Russell Carlisle’s new book, which asserts that morality can be taught independent of Christianity, is soon to be published. But a devout colleague believes that what Carlisle has written will seriously affect the morals of future generations. To prove his theory, he sends Carlisle more than 100 years into the future, offering him a glimpse of what his writing will lead to.
Modern society attempts to separate Jesus Christ’s name and character from the teaching of ethics and morality. Is this approach wise? Is it possible to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, divorced from His name? In this movie you will be introduced to a broken culture, one that depicts our current predicament.. Joseph Smith said “If you wish to go where God is, you must be like God . . . Search your hearts, and see if you are like God. I have searched for mine, and feel to repent of all my sins.” Joseph Smith, History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 Addenda, p. 62, The Joseph Smith Papers.
As a father or mother, how can I teach my family the principles taught in this movie? What is the most important thing that my family can learn from this movie right now?
*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?
#1 We Have Forgotten God:
“Our problems for the most part are directly traceable to the transgression of those sacred laws given to Moses on Mount Sinai over three thousand years ago. These eternal laws were honored by our Founding Fathers. But today worship and service to God have noticeably declined. In the midst of all our prosperity, we may say with Abraham Lincoln, “We have forgotten God.” Blasphemy, foul stories, and questionable humor characterize films, television programs, and the daily conversations of many Americans. The Sabbath has become a desecrated day of amusement. Idleness, greed, covetousness, cheating, lying, stealing, shoplifting, and immorality are commonplace in our society.” ~ Ezra Taft Benson
Q. What aspect in life does your family need to work on to keep Jesus Christ in the center? Are there any of the ten commandments that you and your family need to work on to bring Christ back into the center?
#2 What are You Teaching?
“Those in the Book of Mormon who were taught nothing concerning the Lord but only concerning worldly knowledge became a cunning and wicked people (see Mosiah 24:5, 7). All truths are not of the same value. The saving truths of salvation are of greatest worth. These truths the fathers taught plainly, frequently, and fervently. Are we fathers doing likewise?” ~Ezra Taft Benson
Q. What truths do you want your children to know? As a family review the prophetic teachings of the prophets and begin to apply them in your home. What teaching impacted you the most?
#3 Learn From the Prophet Joseph Smith:
“The day will come—and it is not far distant, either—when the name of the Prophet Joseph Smith will be coupled with the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God, as his representative, as his agent whom he chose, ordained and set apart to lay anew the foundations of the Church of God in the world . . .”
~ Joseph F. Smith
Q. Do you teach your family about Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith? Does anything that you teach go against the teachings of Jesus Christ given through Joseph Smith?
If you are looking to put Jesus Christ back as the authority in your home, look at the things you choose to have in your home (foods, movies, amusements, music, parenting). Are these derived from the scriptures and inspired counsel from Latter-day prophets? If not, then this would be a good place to start getting your family more firmly built upon the rock.
It’s not your beliefs that bother me, it’s what you do and don’t do.
When Christian principles become socially unacceptable and society moves to repress them, what will the Christians do? Witness the Soviet Union—before the fall of Communism—as fear of the KGB pervades society. Christian faith is stifled wherever it is discovered. Most believers cling to a hollow shell of Christianity tolerated in “registered” churches. However, some believers opt to remain “unregistered,” worshiping God openly and accepting the consequences, with a brave few daring to print Bibles—right under the noses of the KGB. This story is about them. This important historical drama sheds light on the cold-war era and reminds us of the plight of many Christians who are persecuted around the world today.
In this movie you will learn what it is to be a true Christian, and what it looks like to be in the service of others, and to live a consecrated life for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. You will ponder what price you would be willing to pay to help others hear the word of God? Become fathers, mothers and families who are not afraid to act, by following Jesus Christ because they have felt a mighty change in their hearts, and are willing to risk their lives, fortunes, and reputation, all for others to have the word of God working in their lives.
As a father or mother, how can I teach my family the principles taught in this movie? What is the most important thing that my family can learn from this movie right now?
*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?
#1 True Sacrifice:
“Suppose we were called to leave what we have now, shall we call it a sacrifice? Shame on the man who would so call it; for it is the very means of adding to him knowledge, understanding, power, and glory, and prepares him to receive crowns, kingdoms, thrones, and principalities, and to be crowned in glory with the Gods of eternity. Short of this we can never receive that which we are looking for.” ~Brigham Young
Q. Do you view what the families did in this movie as a sacrifice, or a preparation for eternity? What is your worldview on trials & sacrifices? What have you been given that didn’t come from God?
#2 What are You Willing to Give Up?
“Remember brethren that if you are imprisoned Brother Joseph has been imprisoned before you, if you are placed where you can only see your Brethren through the grates of a window while in Irons because of the gospel of Jesus Christ remember Brother Joseph has been in like circumstances.” ~ Joseph Smith
Q. Are you willing to give up your freedom, and suffer imprisonment for the Lord? If not, what is stopping you?
#3 We Need to Wage War
“If I were to ask you individually, if you wished to be sanctified throughout, and become as pure and holy as you possibly could live, every person would say yes; yet if the Lord Almighty should give a revelation instructing you to be given wholly up to Him, and to His cause, you would shrink, saying, “I am afraid he will take away some of my darlings.” That is the difficulty with the majority of this people. It is for you and I to wage war with that principle until it is overcome in us, then we shall not entail it upon our children. It is for us to lay a foundation so that everything our children have to do with, will bring them to Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and Church of the Firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the
new covenant . . .” ~ Brigham Young
Q. What revelation have you received that you haven’t acted upon? What has the Lord asked you to do and you haven’t done because of fear? Purchase a journal and begin jotting down impressions, and revelations and obey them.
Do you know the scriptures well enough to know how a true Christian is to live, what is expected of one, and why? If not, then this would be a good place to start getting your family more firmly built upon the rock.
“God will judge us not according to how much we endured, but how much we could love”
― Richard Wurmbrand
In 1945 Pastor Richard and his wife, Sabina, attended the Congress of Cults organized by the Romanian Communist government. Many religious leaders came forward to praise Communism and to swear loyalty to the new regime. Sabina said, “Richard, stand up and wash away this shame from the face of Christ.” Richard warned, “If I do so, you’ll lose your husband.”
“I do not wish to have a coward as a husband,” she replied. Thus, Richard declared to the delegates, whose speeches were broadcast to the whole nation, that their duty is to glorify God and Christ alone.
This movie is a cinematic retelling of the testimony of ‘Voice of the Martyrs’ founder, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand who endured fourteen years in communist prisons.
The attributes that Christ taught are not always found in Hollywood or Hallmark movies. In this movie though, you will see what people are like without law, when left to their own devices. Is this correct, are we commanded to possess the traits of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ even in the worst situations? Watch first hand what forgiveness, charity, and joy in the gospel of Jesus Christ really looks like in application.
As a father or mother, how can I teach my family the principles taught in this movie? What is the most important thing that my family can learn from this movie right now?
*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?
#1 Love your Enemies:
“Do I say, Love your enemies? Yes, upon certain principles. But you are not required to love their wickedness; you are only required to love them so far as concerns a desire and effort to turn them from their evil ways, that they may be saved through obedience to the Gospel.” ~ Brigham Young
Q. Do you love and serve those who injure you, whether you are injured in body or soul? Is there someone in your life who has wronged you. Pray for them daily for a month. Did your heart soften, if not keep praying until it does so.
#2 Needed Power for Faith:
“For without the idea of the existence of the attributes which belong to God, the minds of men could not have power to exercise faith on him so as to lay hold upon eternal life.”
~ Joseph Smith Jr.
Q. What do you know about the attributes of God? What attribute will you work on improving?
#3 Doing Good:
“Doing good is better than just being good. The Lord does not say that we will get a place in the celestial world just by being good; He says we win our place by doing good. [The Lord] says: “For if you will that I give unto you a place in the celestial world, you must prepare yourselves by doing the things which I have commanded you and required of you” (D&C 78:7). Doing. Keep that in mind. It isn’t just being good that qualifies us for the kingdom, nor to withdraw ourselves to a monastery where we give no service but just be good, that isn’t the Lord’s way. If you want a place in the celestial kingdom, the Lord says you must “prepare yourselves by doing the things which I [the Lord] have commanded you and required of you.” (69-15)” ~ Harold B. Lee
Q. Are you anxiously engaged in doing good to your fellow men? What was the last thing you did for someone outside your immediate circle?
Do you know from the scriptures what the attributes of a true Christian are? Do you know the real Jesus Christ because you know His attributes? If not, then this would be a good place to start getting your family more firmly built upon the rock.
“I was never closer to God, than when I was in prison.” —Nicoleta
The true story of Nicoleta Valery Grossus’ amazing survival in a Romanian Communist prison camp and how faith in the Lord enabled her to transcend the relentless cruelty.
It was an experience unspeakably brutal…Imagine what it must have been like to be taken away from home and thrown in jail without any trial. To be interrogated night after night, having to spend your days in a cell. To be tortured to get you to give away innocent people. To have the courage to say what you think no matter the consequences. To see how a fellow inmate swaps sides and becomes your worst enemy. Not to be able to help your loved ones imprisoned along with you. You can betray. You can die. Or you can find God.
We like to justify being disobedient according to our circumstances and environments. We use lots of excuses for not living as we should. Learn how one woman redefines integrity, and how her words saved another.
As a father or mother, how can I teach my family the principles taught in this movie? What is the most important thing that my family can learn from this movie right now?
*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?
#1 Integrity:
“Integrity (the willingness and ability to live by our beliefs and commitments) is one of the foundation stones of good character, and without good character one cannot hope to enjoy the presence of God here or in the eternities.” ~ Spencer W. Kimball
Q. What is the definition of Integrity, and where can we find examples of integrity in our lives or from the past?
#2 All I Have I Entrust to You:
“Many want to shade a little, rather than to work hard for an honest living. Such practices must be put away, and this people must become sanctified in their affections to God, and learn to deal honestly, truly, and uprightly with one another in every respect, with all the integrity that fills the heart of an angel. They must learn to feel that they can trust all they possess with their brethren and sisters, saying, “All I have I entrust to you: keep it until I call for it.” . . . That principle must prevail in the midst of this people: you must preserve your integrity to each other.”
~ Brigham Young
Q. What do you have in your life that you are unwilling to entrust to the Lord?
#3 It Takes Courage:
“When a man makes up his mind to forsake the world and its follies and sins, and identify himself with God’s people, who are everywhere spoken evil of, it takes courage, manhood, independence of character, superior intelligence and a determination that is not common among men; for men shrink from that which is unpopular, from that which will not bring them praise and adulation, from that which will in any degree tarnish that which they call honor or a good name.” ~Joseph F. Smith
Q. What is your biggest fear when it comes to leaving the world? Do you fear man more than you fear God?
Do you live an honest life of submission to God as scriptures teach and can your children see this? Do your actions and lifestyle match what prophets have asked? If not, then this would be a good place to start in getting your families built upon the rock stronger.
“you’re either playing the flute, or the flute is playing for you”.
Brandon Cobb is a new Youth Director who takes over a youth group that’s filled with spiritual apathy. As he tries to motivate his students to get serious about their relationship with the Lord, he finds himself in an uphill battle. Although discouraged, Brandon boldly shares the truth of God’s Word. What happens next is something Brandon and his students will never forget.
Apathy fills the corridors of our chapels and our homes as we have been lulled to sleep, and the word of God is not being used as it should be. We have taken the gospel and turned it into games, programs, check charts and worksheets. A classroom hangman game is spiritually hanging our children. You will be introduced to the solution to break the chains of apathy using exactly what the fathers in the scriptures have likewise done with their children.
As a father or mother, how can I teach my family the principles taught in this movie? What is the most important thing that my family can learn from this movie f right now?
*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?
#1 Turn to the Book of Mormon:
“Sometimes I think we are so inclined to be complacent and to more or less take things as they are. The prophets in the Book of Mormon saw our day, and, oh, how I wish every American would read the Book of Mormon. To practically every problem that faces us as a nation today and as a people, you can find the answer in the Book of Mormon.” ~ Ezra Taft Benson
Q. How can you use the Book of Mormon to teach your family? In what aspects are you complacent with the way things are today?
#2 Mediocracy:
“ . . . it is the age of utter mediocrity. . . . in this world so filled with problems, so constantly threatened by dark and evil challenges, you can and must rise above mediocrity, above indifference.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley
Q. How do you rise above mediocrity? What makes you a peculiar people?
#3 Standard for Homes:
“Nephi, a Book of Mormon prophet, provided a standard for all latter-day homes by this practice: “We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.” (2 Nephi 25:26.) Great fathers lead their children to Christ.” ~ Ezra Taft Benson
Q. How have you led your children/family to Christ today? Are you deliberately pointing them to Christ and teaching them to surrender their will to His?
Do you know how to use the scriptures as a parenting book? Do you use the teachings of the inspired prophets in the scriptures as the pure source to teach from, or do you rely on other sources, experts, and programs as your “go-to” for answers? If you do not use scriptures to teach your family, then this would be a good place to start getting your family more firmly built upon the rock.
“In the end there can be no greater legacy than a legacy of faithfulness” —Josh
When conflict, rebellion, and resentment overwhelm their family, Charlie and Alice are forced to rethink their parenting strategy. In the process, they realize how critical intentionality and focus are when shaping and molding young lives. This film explores the challenges and joys that come with raising children. Through a journey that unfolds over 50 years, Charlie and Alice discover the unmistakable power of family. Together, they learn that knowing and living by God’s Word is what brings transformation and hope to any family.
What does a lukewarm religion look like in a family setting? This movie will give you a glimpse of what many Christian homes look like. Can you see how this kind of worship affects generations? To guard against the attacks of the enemy, families need a stronger foundation. No matter what issues you face in raising your children, it’s never too late to change course and follow God’s design.
As a father or mother, how can I teach my family the principles taught in this movie? What is the most important thing that my family can learn from this movie right now?
*Each movie selected in this course is designed to illustrate key principles of the Gospel, as taught by modern prophets. Below are three prophetic teachings reflected in the movie, accompanied by questions to help deepen your understanding. As you watch, consider how these principles are portrayed in the film. Can you identify them as you engage with the story?
#1 Stand Firm:
“After we have done all we could do for the cause of truth, and withstood the evil that men have brought upon us, and we have been overwhelmed by their wrongs, it is still our duty to stand. We cannot give up; we must not lie down. Great causes are not won in a single generation. To stand firm in the face of overwhelming opposition, when you have done all you can, is the courage of faith. The courage of faith is the courage of progress. Men who possess that divine quality go on; they are not permitted to stand still if they would. They are not simply the creatures of their own power and wisdom; they are instrumentalities of a higher law and a divine purpose.” ~Joseph F. Smith
Q. How are you instruments in the hands of God? What is the legacy that you will leave for your children and grandchildren?
#2 Most Important Work:
“The most important of the Lord’s work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own homes.” ~Harold B. Lee
Q. What is the most important thing in this life to you? Do your children know what is most important to you? Do you actively spend time individually and together with each of your children?
#3 Do Not Forget:
“There are people who are courageous in doing all they can to bring about certain results. They will combat evils and resist the wrongs that are inflicted upon them and upon others; but when they have been defeated, when they see a just cause suffer, and evilly disposed men triumphant, they give up. What is the use? That is the question uppermost in their minds. They see wicked men apparently successful. They see men of evil repute honored by their fellowmen until they are almost persuaded that fate has her rewards for wrong doing. With them, what appears to be a lost cause inspires no hope. It is lost, they say, and we shall have to make the best of it, and let it go. They are at heart discouraged. Some almost question the purposes of Providence. They have the courage of men who are brave at heart, but they have not the courage of faith.” ~ Joseph F. Smith
Q. How do you avoid feelings of discouragement when things don’t seem to be going your way? Are you discouraged by the “success” of those that live in sin? How do you define success and prosperity?
The first step of faith is to believe God the Father “actually exists”. Let us put this in a family context with young children. If your son or daughter does not believe that there is a God, their actions will rebel against Him. Your children need to know that God is real. They need to know that your home is governed by the Lord and inspiration from heaven. They need to know the miracles He has performed in your life. If your home is governed by the Lord and if your children know this, they will be inspired to follow those faithful footsteps. They will know that God is real. If your home is not governed by the Lord this is a great place to start getting your family more firmly built upon the rock.
- FOCUS OUT NOT IN: What does this movie course inspire you to do for others, or share with them? How can you focus on others?
- HERE I AM, SEND ME: What is your family’s mission? How do the teachings in this course support your family’s mission? What can you do based on these teachings to further your family’s mission? Can you see a cause or a need that your family should focus on? .
- SPIRIT DIRECTED: Do you know how to be clean to receive revelation and obey the Spirit? As a parent, do you pray to know how to raise your children? Do you meditate about each child, and ask specific questions?
- PATRIARCHAL FAMILY: Is your family in order with proper priesthood authority in the home? Are you focusing on the family? Are you united as a family?
- AGENCY MOTIVATED: Are your children motivated by their own agency or are they relying on their parents? Are they driving themselves? Are they becoming independent? Do they know how to use their agency correctly and are they doing it?
- STEWARDSHIP: Do your children have independent stewardships in the home and are they accountable for it with consequences? How well are they doing with magnifying that calling and stewardship?
- NO WASTE: God doesn’t do anything without reason and a purpose. In nature everything has purpose and builds the system up. In a celestial order, there is perfect harmony and everything contributes, as in the united order, nothing done ever goes to waste as everything and everybody is producing. Learning only, is a waste. How are you doing as a family? After watching this course, what can you produce? Is there anything that you are doing that will not be the most efficient possible? Where can things be improved? Is every decision based on the questions, “Is this what the Lord would have me do right now? And is this the best thing I can do with my time?”