
Hi! We are so glad you found us!

If you are curious who we are you have come to right page, so let us tell you a little bit about us and our purpose. If we were to sum it all up in one sentence here it is . . . We are a multi-generational family (no, that doesn’t mean we are all living together) that has come together in purpose to learn how to pass down needed skills, correct traditions, and deep faith to the next generation. We feel this will happen as we turn to our sacred lineage, consecrate our land and home and restore the family dinner table. This website reflects our heritage and holds our stories as we learn more about who we are, and to break the chains of culture as our sacred lineage has done before us! Beautiful huh?

We are doing just as Governor William Bradford wrote:

“as the Lord’s free people, joined themselves by a covenant of the Lord into a church estate, in the fellowship of the Gospel, to walk in all His ways made known…unto them, according to their best endeavors, whatsoever it should cost them, the Lord assisting them.”

However, just letting you know upfront, we are far from perfect, it has been a very long road for many of us, and there are scars that run deep from the battlefield of life, but our hope is that by sharing our stories and lives with you as we are finding our way, that you too will be inspired to do the same work with your family—to build a better family culture centered upon scriptures, prophets, and to be willing to make the sacrifices needed for future generations to learn the truth about God. We understand that we are laying a foundation for our posterity in hopes they will continue to “pass down the faith” from their fathers in hope to advance the kingdom of Christ “even as stepping-stones unto others for the performing of so great a work.”

This work we believe is not only to take place in the home, but also with the healing of our lands—what God has steward to us in all things. So you will find a wide range of topics such as homesteading, health, transformation of a house to a home, relationships, and so much more! Take a peek. We hope you find something for your family and their needs on our pages.

We are an Israelite family, of the house of Israel slowly learning our hidden identity, and finding our way out of captivity. We feel it is our duty to keep the covenant and faith alive that has been ignited from our ancestors and to see that our children and their children—pass the faith down, to the next generation.