Brad & Julie Smith

Brad grew up outside the city of Las Angeles, California, and Julie grew up in small town Lewiston, Idaho. Even though they come from complete opposite worlds, they have found common ground in Jane Austen movie marathons, loaded Nachos, and the beauty and healing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Julie says: “Our marriage has not been an easy one, and you can read our stories as we open up and share with you the pains and difficulties we have experienced from issues such as— suicide attempts, faith crisis, pornography, job loss, health challenges, teenage rebellion and so much more. But with pain comes also JOY, oh the joy that has been found through real life application of the Gospel has made every tear worth it! “It works, it really works!”


Julie has served and spoken to groups of all various sizes along with working with many ages. Her experience in education, owner of a private academy, and different auxiliary roles never prepared her for the loss of children losing their testimony, and leaving the church. Julie’s primary focus now are mothers. That is where her heart is drawn to. Mothers— who are quietly suffering with no answers for their children is where she feels to help. Vowing with God one Sunday afternoon, after storming out of church because of her own sobbing tears she promised she would help every struggling mother she met—no matter who needed her help. 10 years later, that promise is still real as it was the day she made it, and even stronger. Drawing on scriptures and the teachings of the inspired prophets she has found there are answers to the problems that are destroying homes and eroding marriages. She has learned how God can change our very nature, transform our lives, our children, and homes if we just let him!