Are you like us where you failed to capture the hearts of some of your children? For us we failed to pass down vision, convictions, and wisdom to our little growing family. Looking back to the days when we were young parents it seemed the battle between pagan culture and the family culture I wanted to create but didnt know how to, paganism often won. Because of this many times I simply gave up.

After losing many battles, I believe to win the attacks on the family, we need to make strategic choices that prepare an environment of honor, faithfulness to Christ, and generationally-minded decision-making. One method our family has chosen to do this is to use a Family Catechism.  

The word catechesis comes from the Greek meaning “to echo the teaching.” Catechism is a series of questions geared to help parents and all members of the family, including the extended family, to engage in the process of passing on the teachings and beliefs of the family —passing on a legacy of godly experiences and wisdom to their children that they can build on as part of a long-term vision for generational success.

In 2018 we created the beginnings of our family catechisim and each year we have slowly been adding to it. We especially use this for our yearly Scottish Covenanter celebration using it in a family sword fight—defending these truths and beliefs. We have used family history questions we wanted to pass down to help our children and theirs.

The Articles of Faith were added in 2023. They were written in 1842 by the Prophet Joseph Smith. They contain direct and simple statements of a number of doctrines and principles of our religion, expressing some of the differences between our beliefs and the beliefs of others. My wish as a grnadparent is that my family of all ages could explain and defend every single gospel principle—that they might have the opportunity to expound to someone searching for the restored truth.



What is the mission of our family?

Who do we fear?

How are we different?

What do we believe is the greatest book ever written? And why?

What do we believe about marriage?

What do we believe about families? What do we believe about children and the size of the family?

What is the story for each of the names of the children?

What are some of the miracles our family has experienced?

What scripture or teaching leads your father or grandfather?

What scripture or teaching leads your mother or grandmother?

In addition to Scripture, what are the most influential books in the life of your Father/grandfather and Mother and grandmother? And why?

What is the heritage of your family through your father’s side?

What is the heritage of your family through your mother’s side?

How did your parents and grandparents meet? What is their story? What is the family motto your parents use in their lives?


Who do we believe in?

How will we be punished?

How will we be saved?

What are the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel?

How is a man called?

What organization do we belive in?

What gifts do we believe in?

What do we believe the Bible and Book of Mormon is?

What do we believe about God and what he has revealed?

10 What do we believe about in the gathering of Israel, and building of Zion, and Christ reigning?

11 How do we worship the Almighty God?

12 Who are we subjected to?

13 We believe in being what, and seeking after what?

Julie Smith is the Education Director for the Joseph Smith Foundation. She is the former owner of the Glenn J. Kimber Academy in Lehi, Utah. Julie served as a regional trainer—establishing 18 schools in Arizona, Idaho, and Utah. She is a certified teacher for The Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration (TJC) and taught the Making of America seminars written by W. Cleon Skousen and Glenn J. Kimber. Some of her children also traveled across the nation, assisting in teaching during these seminars. Julie taught history and Book of Mormon classes for 10 years. Julie is the mother of 5 children and grandmother to 7. She homeschooled for over 27 years, working through family challenges including pornography addiction, testimony faith crises, and teenage rebellion. She writes and teaches on strengthening the family, working with troubled youth, practically applying the teachings of scripture and the Prophet Joseph Smith, and celebrating higher standards. In her spare time, Julie also enjoys gardening, managing her .5-acre homestead, and hosting Sunday dinners with her family! Her home is a revolving door of guests and friends as her family hosts cultural celebrations and teaching events.