
  • Education

    Dumbing us Down (Book)

    Throw off the shackles of formal schooling and embark upon a rich journey of self-directed, life-long learning After over 100 years of mandatory schooling in the U.S., literacy rates have dropped, families are fragmented, learning “disabilities” are skyrocketing, and children and youth are increasingly disaffected. Thirty years of teaching in the public school system led John Taylor Gatto to the sad conclusion that compulsory governmental schooling is to blame, accomplishing little but to teach young people to follow orders like cogs in an industrial machine. He became a fierce advocate of families and young people taking back education and learning, arguing that “genius is as common as dirt,” but that…

  • Education

    Captivated (Movie)

    Captivated features insights from media experts as well as personal stories from individuals and families who have escaped media addiction and learned to make discerning and God-honoring choices about their use of media technology. This feature-length documentary is not anti-media or anti-technology, but it raises critical concerns about our culture’s seemingly unchecked enthusiasm for media consumption. It highlights the overwhelming evidence of growing problems on multiple fronts, including the potential physical, psychological, moral, and spiritual impacts of media technology when used or consumed without discretion. Director: Phillip Telfer, Colin Dunn Starring: Maggie Jackson, Dr. David Walsh, Dr. Jeff Myers

  • Education

    Indoctrination (Movie)

    Sadly, most American Christian children are being discipled daily by pro-choice secularists, atheists, evolutionists, politicized bureaucrats, far left unions and oftentimes even child molesters. Under the guise of education the publicly funded monopoly of Government schools has engaged in a vast program of social engineering designed to eradicate the Christian faith from American life. This film warns Christians about the subversive and anti-Christian nature of the American education system and calls on all Christians to participate in a mass exodus from government education for the sake of their children and the future of America. The film asks: – Who established the American public schools system? – Are my kids physically…

  • Education

    Building a New Family Culture: Part 2

    We talked about “building a new family culture” and what it means to “leave Babylon!” In this podcast, we covered topics such as Education, Music, Movies, Fathers, and Relationships with a focus on courting and so much more! Many people believe they are living “outside” of the walls of Babylon when really they are being held captive inside. There are answers in recognizing the captivity and how to take your family out—beginning with first aligning with scriptures in every area of your home as the authority. We are not a perfect home, but we are learning to apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it is working for us, and…

  • Education

    Educating Zion

    What does a “Zion education” look like? Today, there are many battlelines where the adversary is assaulting the kingdom of God. What if the hours spent “homeschooling” could be used to make a difference, not only in our families, but in the world? What if the home is the most undervalued, underestimated and forgotten weapon against the adversary in our age? How can we revolutionize our homes into productive environments that impact the world for good? How can we successfully reach our apathetic youth? How do we prepare our children for the “real world” without being conformed to the world?

  • Education


    Learn what the inspired leaders have said about education and educating our children. Teach your family what education REALLY is! – David O. McKay (BYU Address, 1937) Establish schools taught by those of our own faith, where being free from the trammels of State aid, they can unhesitatingly teach the doctrines of true religion combined with the various branches of general education. – John Taylor (Direction to the Idaho Saints, Messages of the First Presidency Vol. 3, 5)We should have schools wherein the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants can be used as textbooks, and where the principles of our religion may form a…