Family Blog

With my oldest turning eight next year, if ready, she'll be making sacred baptismal covenants----covenants have really been something I've Read more
(Married to a Pharisee part 2) “What covenants and responsibilities did I take on in the pre-mortal life that I Read more
“God had a plan—using a farm and a family to show me how to apply His gospel to my very Read more
I absolutely love this book! This book has the power to transform homes and lives. It will show you how Read more
As I have been learning more about who I am and my Israelite lineage—it has brought on a few personal Read more
UPDATE: We made a sad move in November 2023 leaving this 'heaven' behind, all to create and do it all Read more
There is a battle raging around us all the time, it is so constant that we don’t even see it Read more
Many of us will do anything to protect our children from ungodly influences. Some of us will give up everything Read more
Are you like us where you failed to capture the hearts of some of your children? For us we failed Read more
I had just finished this movie Divided a few minutes before running out with my daughter —to select her wedding Read more