For me, there is no question that the Book of Mormon has played a central role in my conversion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have been transformed by those words when applied, many times. I am not very intelligent in drawing parallels, searching out patterns, or understanding the doctrine on a scholarly level. But I do know it is real, and there is power in it when I have taken the simple teachings and used them to govern with. I can not deny it.

President Benson said: “There is a power in the Book of Mormon which will begin to flow into your lives the minute you begin a serious study of the book. You will find greater power to resist temptation. You will find the power to avoid deception. You will find the power to stay on the straight and narrow path… You will find life in greater and greater abundance.”

Today, I read about a town and its people during the Reformation’s long dark apostasy— that was transformed through the scriptures. If this town could be changed by reading the New Testament, imagine what our homes could look like if we used the Book of Mormon with all of its promises, applied every word in it, and immersed our children in it. We could start a revolution.

In France, during a period of revival, a swift and graceful transformation passed over the busy town. No profane word was any longer uttered, no ribaldry nor coarse jests were heard. Drunkenness and disorder disappeared; vice hid in the monastery or the cloister. In every factory the Gospels were read as a message from above, and the voice of prayer and thanksgiving mingled with the clamor of the shuttle and clash of the anvil. The rude and boisterous artisans were converted into refined and gentle believers, ever seeking the pure and the true; and the sudden impulse toward a higher life awakened at Meaux by the teachings of Farel and Lefèvre stirred, like an electric shock, every portion of diseased and decaying France. A moment of regeneration seemed near, a season of wonderful advance.”—“Historical Studies,” Eugene Lawrence, pp. 250, 251.

Lucifer trembles at the presence of living, breathing, applied scripture. Scripture, correctly interpreted and used— to govern our children’s education, our places of work or business, and even the family culture we are building through music, movies, art, and amusements, causes the adversary to wither and eventually be bound by the righteousness that ensues. Could you imagine how our homes would be bound by the devil if we used scriptures as the prophets have taught us to do so?

Julie Smith is the Education Director for the Joseph Smith Foundation. She is the former owner of the Glenn J. Kimber Academy in Lehi, Utah. Julie served as a regional trainer—establishing 18 schools in Arizona, Idaho, and Utah. She is a certified teacher for The Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration (TJC) and taught the Making of America seminars written by W. Cleon Skousen and Glenn J. Kimber. Some of her children also traveled across the nation, assisting in teaching during these seminars. Julie taught history and Book of Mormon classes for 10 years. Julie is the mother of 5 children and grandmother to 7. She homeschooled for over 27 years, working through family challenges including pornography addiction, testimony faith crises, and teenage rebellion. She writes and teaches on strengthening the family, working with troubled youth, practically applying the teachings of scripture and the Prophet Joseph Smith, and celebrating higher standards. In her spare time, Julie also enjoys gardening, managing her .5-acre homestead, and hosting Sunday dinners with her family! Her home is a revolving door of guests and friends as her family hosts cultural celebrations and teaching events.