One of our favorite traditions for Thanksgiving is printing this coloring book to read the story and color. It tells the story of the Pilgrims and the Puritans, and other righteous Founders of America.

God fulfilled His promise to bring the lost tribes of Israel back to their homeland and we are their descendants—we are Israelites! This is our story! And we have the same charge to live in holiness on the covenant land, and to take the Gospel to every nation.

Here’s a coloring book link to be able to print for your own family. Your kids or even grandkids will love it!

(Credit for the coloring book belongs to our friend Hannah Stoddard and her young siblings)

Malissa Cochran is a mother to 5 children. She is a wife and a follower of Jesus Christ. Together with her husband they homeschool and love DIY projects. She blogs about many different things including her family, educating her children with the principles revealed by Joseph Smith, preparedness, backyard homesteading,and living higher standards in a world that rejects them.